
Raquel Welch Sheer Luxury white logo

Sheer Luxury

gdy mniej znaczy więcej, więcej znaczy wspaniale

The new Sheer Luxury Collection features our LuxLite Cap® – a lightweight, streamlined work of art. Smooth transitions connect the sheerest, most resilient modern materials using a revolutionary design technique. Less complexity results in a more natural look with hair that falls beautifully and moves freely. The minimalist silhouette lies flatter to the head for a lower-density effect. With no bulky borders, there’s nothing to stop you from achieving the look you love.

New 2025 Collection

Introducing FeatherLite, our lightest fiber ever. A hollow fiber core results in remarkably lightweight synthetic hair that is lighter than one’s own bio hair. Heat-friendly with superior curl/style retention and easily maintained with HairUWear’s care products. This fiber is exclusive to HairUWear.

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Syntetyczne włókno Tru2Life wygląda i przypomina prawdziwe włosy. Tekstura jest lekka, miękka i lśniąca, ale nie błyszcząca, a ponadto jest przyjazna dla ciepła! Proste fryzury można kręcić, a kręcone fryzury można prostować za pomocą prostownicy, lokówki lub suszarki.