Where the text shows “[LINK]” replace this with your webpage for the featured product/collection
Feel free to change the text and make it your own, but please keep any hashtags from the original text. The brand tags such as #raquelwelchwigs #hairdousa #gaborwigs and #kimkimblehair help us to see and engage with your post. Other tags that give credit to models, stylists, photographers, etc. should also be maintained.
Tips for sharing content
Show us your work, your clients and your successes by tagging @hairuwearinc @raquelwelchwigs @hairdoUSA @gaborwigs or @kimkimblehair
When you share, we may feature your content on our own page, which gives you, your work and your business extra exposure!
Questions? Ask your rep or send us a private message on Facebook or Instagram.