• It Curl in RL16/88 Pale Golden Honey (Discontinued color)It Curl in RL16/88 Pale Golden Honey (Discontinued color)

    It Curl

    This to-the-shoulder, layered bob offers an abundance of free-formed, barrel waved curls that can be scrunched for added texture or brushed through for a softer look. The slightly…
  • Click, Click, Flash in RL29/25 Golden RussetClick, Click, Flash in RL8/29SS SS Hazelnut

    Click, Click, Flash

    Wenn Sie schon immer von einer vollen Lockenmähne geträumt haben, ist dieser spiralgelockte Lagenbob genau das Richtige für Sie! Tragen Sie die natürliche Spiraltextur zerzaust und zerknittert...
  • Curl Appeal in GL8-29 HazelnutCurl Appeal in GL8-29 Hazelnut

    Curl Appeal

    Glorious well-behaved curls – the kind you’ve always wished for – can be styled in smooth spirals or fluffed for a softer, fuller effect. Lace…
  • Aniyah in MC1 CaviarAniyah in MC4-10SS Espresso Martini


    ANIYAH is a soulful dream girl with her sassy coiled curls. Wear straight out of the box or pick it out for maximum fullness. Volume…
  • Makayla in MC30-130SS Cherry ColaMakayla in MC2-4 Chocolate Truffle


    MAKAYLA ist der höchste Ausdruck natürlicher Textur. Sie ist stolz auf ihre wunderschön gewickelten Locken und ihre ovale Gesamtkontur, die durch eine weiche Schichtung entsteht. Umarmen Sie...
  • Sassy Curl in R435S+ Glazed Black CherrySassy Curl in R435S+ Glazed Black Cherry

    Sassy Curl

    Show off your outgoing personality with this bouncy beauty. Women everywhere are embracing their natural texture and this style mimics the best cared for curls.…
  • Trinity in MC1 CaviarTrinity in MC1 Caviar


    Get ready to get your groove on with TRINITY. This voluminous crown of coiled curls has an extreme, off-center parting to let you express your…
  • Tierra in MC4-10SS Espresso MartiniTierra in MC4-10SS Espresso Martini


    Voluminous spiral curls cropped in a unique shape makes TIERRA the kind of charismatic, center-of-attention style destined to be your new signature look. Stacked fullness…
  • Zahra in MC25-88SS HoneyZahra in MC25-88SS Honey

    NEU! Zahra

    Genießen Sie die Schönheit von eng gewickelten Locken oder den Glanz, der sich entfaltet, wenn diese Frisur auf maximale Fülle getrimmt ist. Mit einem Namen, der...
  • 26" Long Curled Headband in MC4-10SS Espresso Martini26" Long Curled Headband in MC4-10SS Espresso Martini

    NEW! 26″ Long Curled Headband Wig

    Ready in no time and ready for anything! Are you ready for this? Long, lush layers of big, spiraled curls are giving glam and unstoppable…
  • Leilani in MC8-29SS Chocolate ToffeeLeilani in MC8-29SS Chocolate Toffee

    NEW! Leilani

    The name LEILANI conveys a sense of spellbinding allure. Discover for yourself how this style of voluminous spiral curls cropped in a stacked V-shape will…