• Layered Love in R829S+ Glazed HazelnutLayered Love in R829S+ Glazed Hazelnut

    Layered Love

    Soft side-swept bangs, face-framing sides and the kind of natural flowing layers you’ll love. For a fun change of look anytime, this is a real...
  • Spiky Cut in R1621S+ Glazed Sand (Discontinued color)Spiky Cut in R1621S+ Glazed Sand (Discontinued color)

    Spiky Cut

    Hazlo corto y dulce con trenzas texturizadas que vibran sexy, cool y chic. Las puntas texturizadas de esta peluca dan a este corte en capas su...
  • Wispy Cut in R3025S+ Glazed CinnamonWispy Cut in R3025S+ Glazed Cinnamon

    Wispy Cut

    Este corte recortado y largo hasta la barbilla tiene capas sueltas que aportan volumen y longitud adicional en la coronilla, la parte superior y los laterales, lo que confiere a esta silueta su aspecto versátil....
  • Wave Cut in R435S+ Glazed Black Cherry (Discontinued color)Wave Cut in R435S+ Glazed Black Cherry (Discontinued color)

    Wave Cut

    ¡Súbete a la ola! Un flequillo despuntado y unas capas largas y suavemente texturizadas que caen por debajo de los hombros son la clave de esta favorecedora peluca ligeramente ondulada silueta....
  • Short & Sleek in R10 Chestnut (Discontinued color)Short & Sleek in R10 Chestnut (Discontinued color)

    Short & Sleek

    Este corte de chico corto y elegante combina longitud añadida en la parte superior y en los laterales para un look ligeramente asimétrico con flequillo deshecho para reflejar...
  • Sleek & Chic in SS25 Rooted Ginger Blonde (Discontinued color)Sleek & Chic in SS25 Rooted Ginger Blonde (Discontinued color)

    Sleek & Chic

    El corte recto texturizado vuelve con la peluca sintética Sleek & Chic de Hairdo. Este look a capas tiene una parte posterior afilada con...
  • Take It Short in R829S+ Glazed HazelnutTake It Short in R829S+ Glazed Hazelnut

    Take It Short

    A modern salon-styled approach to the classic boy cut, this style features face-framing sides, smooth volume and a sophisticated tapered nape. Made with Tru2Life synthetic...
  • Wave It Off in SS14/88 Rooted Golden WheatWave It Off in SS14/88 Rooted Golden Wheat

    Wave It Off

    Tousled, tumbled waves make this cropped bob appealingly unstructured. A natural layered texture at the ends gives this style a popular “lived-in” look. And because...
  • Glamour Pix in SS14/88 Rooted Golden WheatGlamour Pix in SS14/88 Rooted Golden Wheat

    Glamour Pix

    This short, layered pixie has a light, wispy texture that allows for multiple styling options from soft and subtle to spikey and piecey. The razor-cut...
  • Angled Cut in R56/60 Silver MistAngled Cut in R56/60 Silver Mist

    Angled Cut

    Short means sassy in this sexy, on-trend, asymmetrical cut wig. Length was added to the right top and side for body and the tapered ends...
  • Modern Flip in R3025S+ Glazed CinnamonModern Flip in R3025S+ Glazed Cinnamon

    Modern Flip

    A professional salon cut with long feathered layers ending in a gentle flip. This look is all about the details from its subtle side part...
  • Razor Cut in SS25 Rooted Ginger BlondeRazor Cut in SS25 Rooted Ginger Blonde

    Razor Cut

    For the length of a long bob without the geometric shape, this contemporary cut has soft layers and beautiful movement. Ideal for the woman who...