• Dare To Flair in GL8-29 Hazelnut (Discontinued color)Dare To Flair in GL8-29 Hazelnut (Discontinued color)

    Dare to Flair

    Style towards the face or DARE TO FLAIR! The razor cut lengths and textured shape allow this free-form bob to have either conservative or contemporary...
  • Stylista in GL14-22 Sandy Blonde (Discontinued color)Stylista in GL14-22 Sandy Blonde (Discontinued color)


    The textured bob is better than ever! Now with shattered lengths throughout so it’s not too short, not too perfect. It’s just right, right now....
  • Center Stage in R14/25 Honey GingerCenter Stage in R14/25 Honey Ginger

    Center Stage

    Con un peso de menos de medio kilo, este corte básico corto ofrece capas suavemente rizadas que se funden en una nuca alargada. Además, tiene el lujo...
  • Cinch in R29S+ Glazed StrawberryCinch in R29S+ Glazed Strawberry


    Con un peso de poco más de medio kilo, este corte corto y ligero se caracteriza por sus capas apenas onduladas. Listo para llevar con una sacudida firme...
  • Enchant in RL5/27 Ginger BrownEnchant in RL5/27 Ginger Brown


    Un corte clásico que puede peinarse liso o con rizos despeinados. ¡El cabello sintético Tru2Life® hace que tus opciones de peinado sean ilimitadas! Banda ancha de terciopelo con...
  • Fanfare in RL6/30 Copper MahoganyFanfare in RL6/30 Copper Mahogany


    This classic silhouette features full, precision-cut layers on the top and sides that smooth to a neck-hugging nape. The combination of our Tru2life® heat-friendly synthetic...
  • Fascination in RL31/29 Fiery CopperFascination in RL31/29 Fiery Copper


    Weighing only 2½ ounces, this attractive boy cut features ample length in the top and extended nape and textured ends that can be styled with...
  • Muse in R29S+ Glazed StrawberryMuse in SS29/33 SS Iced Pumpkin Spice


    This classic chin-length page combines the natural looking hairline of a Sheer Indulgence™ lace front monofilament top for optional off-the-face styling with the cool, light...
  • Power in R28S Glazed FirePower in R28S Glazed Fire


    A short, spiky top gives this closely cropped cut a cutting edge cadence. Bold. Positive. Wonderful. Wide Velvet Comfort Band™ Memory Cap® Open Ear Tabs...
  • Salsa in SS14/88 SS Golden WheatSalsa in SS14/88 SS Golden Wheat


    This fashionable collar length, layered page can be styled full or smooth – depending on your mood. Wide Velvet Comfort Band™ Memory Cap® Inside “Hidden”...
  • Sparkle in R3329S+ Glazed AuburnSparkle in SS9/24 SS Iced Café Latte


    Ready-to-wear right out of the box, this short, face-framing cut includes a smooth front and top that blend into short textured layers throughout the back...
  • Sparkle Elite in R29S+ Glazed StrawberrySparkle Elite in R29S+ Glazed Strawberry

    Sparkle Elite

    This short, face-framing cut offers the same style and comfort features as our popular SPARKLE wig with the added luxury of a lace front monofilament...