• Ready for Takeoff in RL29/25 Golden RussetReady for Takeoff in RL51/61 Iced Granita

    Ready For Takeoff

    Llevando el corto al siguiente nivel, este look es nada menos que sensacional. Una silueta que enmarca el rostro con ondas y un susurro de...
  • Unfiltered in RL17/23SS Shaded Iced Latte MacchiatoUnfiltered in RL17/23SS Shaded Iced Latte Macchiato


    No demasiado recargado. No demasiado desordenado, justo a tu estilo. Ni demasiado corto, ni demasiado largo, hay una razón por la que este...
  • Real Deal in RL11/25 Golden WalnutReal Deal in RL11/25 Golden Walnut

    Real Deal

    Las puntas deshechas y el largo cortado a navaja confieren a este moderno bob un atractivo popular y práctico. La nuca ajustada y el favorecedor flequillo de pestañas se combinan para crear un look seguro...
  • Flirting With Fashion in RL613SS Shaded PlatinumFlirting With Fashion in RL613SS Shaded Platinum

    Flirting With Fashion

    Aligérate y relájate con este corte despreocupado de varias capas. El flequillo de pestañas afiladas, los laterales más largos y la nuca a trozos se pueden...
  • Own the Runway in RL19/23SS Shaded BiscuitOwn the Runway in RL10/22SS Shaded Iced Cappuccino

    Own The Runway

    Strut, pose, sashay and twirl! The iconic graduated bob makes a new name for itself with this modern reimagining. Soft, feathery layers throughout give the...
  • Influence Elite in RL19/23SS Shaded BiscuitInfluence Elite in RL19/23SS Shaded Biscuit

    Influence Elite

    This quintessential “modern page” offers to-the-chin lengths and full bangs that are sure to make this style an instant classic. The slightly tapered ends can...
  • Up Close & Personal in RL10/22SS Shaded Iced CappuccinoUp Close & Personal in RL10/22SS Shaded Iced Cappuccino

    Up Close & Personal

    Every detail is in place and perfected from the light, feathery textured bang, to the textured back that sits close to the nape. Gentle waves...
  • Heard It All in RL10/22SS Shaded Iced CappuccinoHeard It All in RL10/22SS Shaded Iced Cappuccino

    Heard It All

    Un minimalista moderno que enmarca la cara. Sabes lo que te gusta y lo que no. Tienes que jugar con este estilo inteligente y...
  • Crushing On Casual in SS44/60 SS Sugared LicoriceCrushing On Casual in SS44/60 SS Sugared Licorice

    Crushing On Casual

    This is so everything-you-want: An ultra-precise cut. A length that’s just so. Sophisticated layering. Salon polish. And a look that’s so adaptable, you can take...
  • Crushing On Casual Elite in R11S+ Glazed MochaCrushing On Casual Elite in R11S+ Glazed Mocha

    Crushing On Casual Elite

    We’ve stoked the fire on your not-so-secret attraction, adding hand-tied sides and back to really kick the romance into high gear. A low-density, even lighter...
  • Now Or Never in RL31/29 Fiery CopperNow Or Never in RL10/22SS SS Iced Cappuccino

    Now Or Never

    Aprovecha el día con estilo con este corte divertido y desenfadado. Un rizado texturizado de varias capas con una personalidad dinámica que te permite lucirlo con volumen o...
  • Here To Stay in RL29/25 Golden RussetHere To Stay in RL29/25 Golden Russet

    Here To Stay

    El. Perfecto. Pixie. Los cortes de moda van y vienen, pero de vez en cuando aparece un estilo que es un verdadero clásico instantáneo. Te presentamos el último....