Flirting With Fashion
Aligérate y relájate con este corte despreocupado de varias capas. El flequillo de pestañas afiladas, los laterales más largos y la nuca a trozos se pueden... -
Real Deal
Las puntas deshechas y el largo cortado a navaja confieren a este moderno bob un atractivo popular y práctico. La nuca ajustada y el favorecedor flequillo de pestañas se combinan para crear un look seguro... -
No demasiado recargado. No demasiado desordenado, justo a tu estilo. Ni demasiado corto, ni demasiado largo, hay una razón por la que este... -
Ready For Takeoff
Llevando el corto al siguiente nivel, este look es nada menos que sensacional. Una silueta que enmarca el rostro con ondas y un susurro de... -
On Your Game
¡Todos ganamos! Este moderno corte corto tiene suficiente longitud en la parte superior para levantarte. Y un poco de filo. Cepilla suave y... -
Chic It Up
A short look that’s long on style, this slightly waved, textured cut is punctuated with layered lengths throughout for natural movement and maximum styling options.... -
Easy Does It
A medley of soft layers throughout, this full, short wedge cut includes a Sheer Indulgence™ lace front monofilament part for off-the-face styling. Wear it brushed... -
Classic Cool
This softly textured cut brings the classic page cut into the future. Light bangs and softly sculpted lengths along the sides are designed to flatter... -
Advanced French
Long layers throughout the top and crown combine with loose textured lengths to create a completely free-formed, windswept look. For added styling excitement, this short... -
Voltage Elite
Offering the same short, barely waved, all over layered style as our top-selling VOLTAGE wig, this stunning, no-fuss and versatile salon cut now includes a... -
Crushing On Casual
This is so everything-you-want: An ultra-precise cut. A length that’s just so. Sophisticated layering. Salon polish. And a look that’s so adaptable, you can take... -
Winner Elite
The luxurious upgrade of our popular Winner style features a Sheer Indulgence lace front monofilament top and hand-tied base for the ultimate in styling options....