• Editor's Pick Elite in RL29/25 Golden RussetEditor's Pick Elite in RL12/22SS Shaded Cappuccino

    Editor’s Pick Elite

    Notre best-seller, le bob dégradé légèrement ondulé et décoiffé, offre encore plus de possibilités de coiffage grâce à sa construction attachée à la main. Cette nouvelle option signifie non seulement un nombre pratiquement illimité...
  • Classic Cut in RL8/29 HazelnutClassic Cut in RL8/29 Hazelnut

    Classic Cut

    Featuring a Sheer Indulgence™ monofilament crown for a smooth contour, this collar length page is loaded with natural movement. And with our Tru2Life® synthetic hair,…
  • Crowd Pleaser in RL31/29 Fiery CopperCrowd Pleaser in RL51/61 Iced Granita

    Crowd Pleaser

    This short, sexy look with sensuous waves is destined to be everyone’s newest crush. The dramatic side swept bangs and subtle layering throughout are ultra-modern……
  • Curve Appeal in RL30/27 Rusty AuburnCurve Appeal in RL30/27 Rusty Auburn

    Curve Appeal

    This ultra-feminine silhouette features long, softly waved layers in the front and sides that graduate into longer layers that fall to mid-back. A Sheer Indulgence™…
  • Fanfare in RL6/30 Copper MahoganyFanfare in RL6/30 Copper Mahogany


    This classic silhouette features full, precision-cut layers on the top and sides that smooth to a neck-hugging nape. The combination of our Tru2life® heat-friendly synthetic…
  • Goddess in RL30/27 Rusty AuburnGoddess Cap Construction


    With a Sheer Indulgence™ lace front for the option of off-the-face styling and a monofilament top for varied parting choices, this barely waved, layered, shoulder…
  • Limelight in RL30/27 Rusty AuburnLimelight in RL30/27 Rusty Auburn


    Long, layered waves highlight this sensual silhouette that falls to below mid-back. Wear it softly waved right out of the box or style it straight.…
  • Muse in R29S+ Glazed StrawberryMuse in SS29/33 SS Iced Pumpkin Spice


    Cette page classique de la longueur du menton combine la ligne de cheveux naturelle d'un top monofilament Sheer Indulgence™ à dentelle frontale pour un style hors visage optionnel avec la fraîcheur, la légèreté....
  • Play It Straight in R29S+ Glazed StrawberryPlay It Straight in R29S+ Glazed Strawberry

    Play It Straight

    A quel point ce look est-il sophistiqué ? C'est la meilleure coupe de cheveux qui soit. Quel est le génie de cette coiffure ? Pensez aux cheveux longs sans la longueur. Polis, pas parfaits...
  • Scene Stealer in RL29/33SS Shaded Iced Pumpkin SpiceScene Stealer in RL29/33SS Shaded Iced Pumpkin Spice

    Scene Stealer

    Long, razor tapered layering and a luxurious length that falls to mid-back give this style dramatic appeal. The lace front Sheer Indulgence™ monofilament top and…
  • Show Stopper in RL32/31 CinnabarShow Stopper in RL32/31 Cinnabar

    Show Stopper

    De longues couches droites tombant jusqu'au milieu du dos définissent cette coupe à la mode. Portez-la directement à la sortie de la boîte ou, avec notre...
  • Sparkle Elite in R29S+ Glazed StrawberrySparkle Elite in R29S+ Glazed Strawberry

    Sparkle Elite

    Cette coupe courte, qui encadre le visage, offre les mêmes caractéristiques de style et de confort que notre populaire perruque SPARKLE, avec le luxe supplémentaire d'un monofilament en dentelle...