• Bravo

    Toda a gente vai adorar esta beleza clássica em camadas que é tudo menos vulgar. BRAVO é um corte de precisão feito com um cabelo humano 100% lindíssimo que é...
  • Applause in R14/88H Golden WheatApplause in R14/88H Golden Wheat


    Este pequeno corte mostra a sua beleza confiante e faz com que as multidões fiquem loucas! Estas camadas de virar a cabeça fazem-nos querer dar o mergulho e...
  • Success Story in R14/25 Honey GingerSuccess Story in R14/25 Honey Ginger

    Success Story

    Tão curto, tão chique. O cabelo humano 100% pode ser colocado atrás das orelhas e penteado como um pixie ou um bob curto com camadas que emolduram o rosto. Parece...
  • Elation in Brown BlondeElation in Brown Blonde


    This sophisticated, tailored cropped bob has beautiful, natural movement and requires minimal styling. A firm shake right out of the box and a bit of...
  • Cameo Cut in GL56-60 Sugared Silver (Discontinued color)Cameo Cut in GL56-60 Sugared Silver (Discontinued color)

    Corte Cameo

    An updated, tapered bob with softly textured layers in the monofilament crown for volume and movement through the top. Longer side layers can be worn...
  • Flatter Me in GL23-101SS SS Sunkissed BeigeFlatter Me in GL23-101SS SS Sunkissed Beige


    From the smooth lengths and the 100% hand-tied top, to the professionally textured layers that feather around the sides and back, the look is fresh...
  • Serving Style in GL8-29SS SS HazelnutServing Style in GL8-29SS SS Hazelnut

    Estilo de serviço

    A short and sassy silhouette with a thoroughly modern, gently sculpted wave texture. Its air of polished sophistication comes from the delicate details: a short...
  • Premium Luxury in GL6-30 MahoganyPremium Luxury in GL6-30 Mahogany

    Luxo Premium

    Your favorite go-to style is now available in a fully hand-tied top! Smooth, straight and beautifully natural-looking, this angle-cut page has no permatease and can...
  • Falling For You in GL11-25SS SS Honey PecanFalling For You in GL11-25SS SS Honey Pecan

    Apaixonar-se por ti

    When a style comes along that’s this beautiful, this natural… the attraction is inevitable! You’ll be instantly smitten with the free-falling, free-moving, slightly layered length...
  • Peace in Medium RedPeace in Medium Red


    Bring peace, love and joy to your life with this chic, flattering, chin-length cut. The open cap design makes it a go-to style no matter...
  • Prosperity in Medium BrownProsperity in Medium Brown


    Prosper and flourish in a bob cut with lengthy layers and a stylish fringe. This classic cut is just the right length to showcase beautiful...
  • Thrill in Light BlondeThrill in Light Blonde


    An updated, tapered bob with softly textured layers in the monofilament crown for volume and movement through the top. Longer side layers can be worn...